Celebrating my Birthday with a New Portfolio
Phew, what a ride. 4 years into web development and I finally decided to make my own portfolio. Sometimes I would look at the stunning websites others have made and wonder how I could ever make anything close to that. Being dead honest, even though I still call myself a full-stack developer, I'm still working on how to make things look nicer. This portfolio site wasn't written fully with my own code, instead I used a template from TailwindUI, you can view the template at their website.
Looking at it side by side will make you realize how similar they are. But hey, I paid for the license, might as well use the full library. Special shoutout to the TailwindUI team for offering me a student discount as well.
I'll continuously update the website with new projects and blog posts, so be sure to check back every once in a while. I'll also be updating the website with new features, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to reach out to me via any platform.
Best of luck to me going forward. I hope to make more projects and blog posts in the future.
Cheers, Eric Li