Programmer, creator, avid learner

I'm Eric Li, a programmer currently enrolled in Phillips Exeter Academy. I work to create accessible and engaging software for the student body.

Reflections on Earth Day

Yesterday was Earth day, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the assembly. Especially, the quote "to commit to the people around us".

On the Role of a Civil Servant

To participate as a member of the student council is effectively dedicating one's self to the community. It is a commitment to become a civil servant, to serve the community and to serve the school.

Celebrating my Birthday with a New Portfolio

As a web developer, I never really had the chance to get a portfolio site up and running. I always had other projects to work on, and I never really had the time to work on my own site. Now, that is no longer the case. Enjoy this new website!

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  1. Company
    The Exonian Web Board
    Technical Director
  2. Company
    StuCo Tech Committee
    Co-head of Tech Committee
  3. Company
    FTC Team 15534 VERTEX
  4. Company
    Basis International School HZ
    Founder of Programming Club
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